GOMINFOEX Participant in the Stockholm Challenge

Gulf of Maine Environmental Information Exchange Initiative –
Terms of Reference

VISION: To maximize the benefits to coastal communities of the Gulf of Maine from available environmental information.

WHY: The Gulf of Maine, including Georges Bank, forms a somewhat closed coastal ecosystem with many internal linkages among its living and non-living resources. These resources form the basis of a large number of social and economic benefits to the residents in the surrounding coastal lands. To maximize these benefits it is essential that all residents have access to the appropriate environmental information on which to base their actions, planning and decisions.

WHO: The residents of the Gulf of Maine are represented by a number of governments, agencies and organizations. These include federal, state and provincial governments, environmental non-governmental institutes and agencies, university researchers, K-12 educators and commercial interests that include fishers and aquaculturalists. Together these groups have great interest and expertise in the collection, management, exchange and communication of environmental information. To maximize the benefits of these activities, a cooperative initiative, building on existing and independent activities, is believed to provide the best opportunity to achieve the Vision.

WHAT: An information exchange that promotes the shared usage of environmental information among the various agencies, communities and individuals with an interest in ensuring long-term sustainable benefits from our coastal resources. Environmental is to be interpreted in the broadest sense to include information on fisheries, aquaculture, habitat, atmosphere, etc.

WHERE: This initiative addresses the Gulf of Maine watershed from the headwaters to the continental slope with particular interest in coastal lands, waters and air.

The information exchange builds on a distributed system where information is managed at various sites throughout Canada and the United States as deemed appropriate for its efficient management and dissemination. It builds on the existing, and developed capacities, that exist in the region’s governmental, non-governmental and research institutes and organisational structures that support community groups and commercial interests.

WHEN: This initiative will build incrementally on the broad base of activities presently underway for information management within the Gulf of Maine. It will evolve rapidly in the initial year (circa. 1999) as the focus is developed and a consensus on its goal and required actions is achieved.

Regular review of the progress is essential to ensure proper direction. A major review will be required every three years; the first at the end of 2001. It is expected that this review will be most effective if it takes the form of an open workshop/conference to review progress and determine support for continued work. Ultimate success will be the continued existence of a useful exchange of information in the year 2020 – a system to outlive existing technologies and the careers of the originating individuals.

HOW: Development will be through a consortium of interested partners. It will strengthen natural alliances and mutual interests by undertaking work in smaller appropriate groupings, two or more agencies. Participants will accept responsibility for coordinating their work by on-going interaction and communication within the consortium of partners.

An Action Committee, with broad, open representation from contributors, will facilitate and promote this communication and accept responsibility for appropriate planning and annual reporting to all partners. A detailed work plan will be prepared and reviewed annually to track progress and promote co-operation. This work plan will be made publicly available to all.

Silly-Word Phase II – April 1999