KnowledgeBase - science and information management for the Gulf of Maine and its watershed

Title: Lake plant surveys: Maine
Data Provider: Cameron, Don; Keith Williams; Roberta Hill
Data Years: 2001 - 2006
KB Upload: 2010-01-12
Publisher: Maine Natural Areas Program; Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program; Maine Center for Invasive Aquatic Plants, Augusta, Maine

To open the data file (which also contains the metadata), click HERE.

This file contains data from surveys of plant assemblages in Maine lakes and ponds. The first two data worksheets contain data from "rapid assessment" surveys conducted by Don Cameron (Maine Natural Areas Program) and others. The third data worksheet contains survey data provided by Keith Williams. The rapid assessment (RA) surveys were intended primarily to evaluate whether or not invasive plant species were present in the waterbodies. However, all plant species observed and identified during each survey were recorded and these data are included here. Data from these RA surveys are split into two data worksheets. The first data worksheet (Background data [RA]) provides information about each RA survey, along with descriptions of lake habitat, etc. The second data worksheet (Plant data [RA]) provides the plant species data. In these two worksheets, the field "Survey Number" provides a common field by which both tables may be linked if downloaded and then imported into a relational database. Data in these two worksheets were originally provided by D. Cameron to P. Vaux in 2005 for inclusion in the Maine Aquatic Biodiversity Project database. Survey data provided by Keith Williams are included in the third data worksheet (Other Surveys). Sampling effort data are not available for any of these surveys - effort may have varied among surveys.

KB Map?: No
Core Keywords: Aquatic macrophytes // Community structure // Exotics - invasive species // Geographic distribution // Habitat // Inventory - monitoring // Lake - Pond // Vascular plants
Additional Keywords: Invasive species; invasive plants; freshwater biodiversity checklist;
States/Provinces: ME
Spatial Info: Click to hide Spatial Information
Second Pond (0441); Puffers Pond (Echo Lake) (0744); 3rd Pelletier Brook Lk (1560); First (& Second) Wallagrass Lake (1628); Lower Shin Pond (2198); Eskutassis (Escutassis) Pond (2250); Long Pond (2536); Attean Pond (2682); Mattaseunk Lake (3040); Barker Pond (3136); Big Clemons Pond (3174); Indian Pond (3480); Forest Pond (3602); Lower Range Pond (3760); Knight Pond (west) (3884); Middle Branch Pond (3936); Chemo Pond (4278); Hurd Pond (4302); Hancock Pond (4318); Jacob Buck Pond (4322); Great Pond (4378); Isinglass Pond (5010); Wadley (Wadleigh, Roberts) Pond (5034); Tyler Pond (5298); Warren Pond (5584); Dutton Pond (5724); Branch Pond (5754); Upper St. John (01010001); Fish (01010003); East Branch Penobscot (01020002); Lower Penobscot (01020005); Lower Penobscot (01020005); Lower Penobscot (01020005); Lower Penobscot (01020005); Upper Kennebec (01030001); Lower Kennebec (01030003); Lower Kennebec (01030003); Lower Kennebec (01030003); Lower Androscoggin (01040002); Lower Androscoggin (01040002); Maine Coastal (01050002); Maine Coastal (01050002); St. George-Sheepscot (01050003); Saco (01060002); Saco (01060002); Saco (01060002); Piscataqua-Salmon Falls (01060003); Piscataqua-Salmon Falls (01060003); St. John (010100); Penobscot (010200); Kennebec (010300); Androscoggin (010400); Maine Coastal (010500); Saco (010600); Unnamed pond (6438); Trout Pond (3212); Sebago Lake (5786); Massacre Pond (5642); Long Pond (5272); Bradley Pond (3220); Crocker (Papoose) Pond (0361); Farrington Pond (3200); Long Pond (5272); Great Pond (5648); Heald Pond (3222); Horseshoe Pond (3196); Ingalls Pond (South) (3372); Kezar Lake (0097); Little Sebago Lake (3714)