KnowledgeBase - science and information management for the Gulf of Maine and its watershed

Title: Upper Prestile Stream Main Stem 1 Watershed Survey
Author(s): Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Year: 2013
Publisher: Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Report ID:
Series Title:
Pages: 2

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The watershed survey was performed using guidelines outlined in Stream Survey Manual Volume I: A Citizen’s Guide to Basic Watershed, Habitat and Geomorphology Surveys in Stream & River Watersheds. Natural resource professionals from USDA-NRCS, Maine Forest Service (MFS), MDEP and CASWCD trained students from University of Maine Presque Isle environmental studies class to assist in the survey. Since the major land uses in this watershed are agriculture and forestry, a special agriculture and forestry based data sheet was developed. Surveyors identified and rated NPS pollution sites for potential pollution impact and recommended BMPs for each site. Students were accompanied by a natural resource professional during the survey. The survey was performed predominately in the spring after snowmelt before fields were plowed. An initial flyover of the watershed was completed with the assistance of the MFS. Survey observations, locations and recommended BMPs were recorded in NPS Site Tracker and presented to watershed landowners.

KB Map?:
Core Keywords: Agriculture // Assessment - evaluation // Conservation // Inventory - monitoring // Land use - land cover // Pollution // Pollution: non-point source // River-Stream // Terrestrial // Water quality // Water quality - quantity
Additional Keywords: 319 Grant Project
States/Provinces: ME
Spatial Info: Click to show Spatial Information

Upper Prestile Stream Main Stem 1 Watershed Survey.pdf