KnowledgeBase - science and information management for the Gulf of Maine and its watershed

Title: Maine DEP WEBBER POND Report (Fall 2011)
Author(s): Halliwell, David
Year: 2011
Publisher: Maine DEP, Augusta, Maine
Report ID:
Series Title:
Pages: 2

 Maine DEP conducted a limited comparison study between several lakes with re-introduced alewives (Sebasticook Lake, Webber and Threemile ponds) and China Lake (no alewives) to look for signs of food chain (plankton) effects.

Download this report HERE.

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Core Keywords: Abundance - density - biomass // Algae // Community structure // Feeding // Fish // Herbivory // Invertebrates // Lake - Pond // Phytoplankton // Predation // Zooplankton
Additional Keywords:
States/Provinces: ME
Spatial Info: Click to show Spatial Information

Alewife-Plankton Summary Report 2011a.pdf