Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment


Identification of Important Habitats in Coastal New Hampshire

GIS Raster Files Produced from the Great Bay Habitat Mapping Pilot Project

Wetland digital data may be obtained directly from the National Wetland Inventory.

The Great Bay report is available (excluding graphics) in Word Perfect (Version 5.1/5.2) in a zipped file format. <download text >

The following digital data are in a band interleaved by line (.bil) raster format and may be imported into GIS and viewer software programs once the *.zip files are uncompressed (use PKUNZIP <download PKUNZIP>). The header information enclosed with each compressed file is correctly read by ARCINFO GRID and most versions of ARCVIEW. A metadata text file is enclosed for each raster data set.

Habitat quality was indexed on either a 0 - 10 (0 = unsuitable, 10 = optimal habitat) or 0 - 100 (0 = unsuitable, 100 = optimal habitat) scale. To combine habitat quality scores for wildlife species, grids on a 0 - 100 scale were re-classified on a 0 - 10 scale. Using GIS processing, regionally important habitats within the Gulf of Maine were identified by multiplying habitat quality scores (0 - 10 scale) for select species (Table 3) by their respective Gulf of Maine Council rank (indexed on a 1 - 10 scale). Locally important habitats within coastal New Hampshire were identified by multiplying habitat quality scores (0 - 10 scale) for all species (Table 4) by the relative scarcity of habitat for respective life stage (indexed on 1 - 10 scale; 1 = most abundant, 10 = most rare).

A vector coverage of coastline is provided as a spatial reference (in ARCINFO export format, zipped)- COASTLIN <zipped .e00 file>




Zone 4676

Datum NAD83

Units FEET

Spheroid GRS1980

Cell Size = 93.493

Data Type = Integer

Mapping of habitat for the various species required the use of three different geographic boundaries to enclose the area of interest. For example, an area enclosing inland tributary streams was required to map habitat for species such as the Atlantic salmon (Boundary A Figure of Geographic Boundaries). A second boundary area was used for bathymetry and other anadromous fishes (Boundary B Figure of Geographic Boundaries). A third boundary area was used for marine fishes (Boundary C Figure of Geographic Boundaries).


Xmin = 1095588.231

Xmax = 1242091.762

Ymin = 92114.050

Ymax = 319956.491

Number of Rows = 2437

Number of Columns = 1567

American Black Duck

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 10.

Name: BDUCKM (migration) <zipped .bil and headers (90K)>

Name: BDUCKW (winter) <zipped .bil and headers (11K)>

Name: BDUCKBRE (breeding) <zipped .bil and headers (87K)>

Name: BDUCKBRO (brood-rearing) <zipped .bil and headers (101K)>

Name: BDUCKC (combined seasons) <zipped .bil and headers (89K)>

American Oyster

Name: OYSTER <zipped .bil and headers (7K)>

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 10.

Atlantic Salmon

Name: SALMON (juvenile) <zipped .bil and headers (17K)>

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 100.

Bald Eagle

Name: EAGLEW <zipped .bil and headers (6K)>

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 100.

Canada Goose

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 10.

Name: CAGOM (migration) <zipped .bil and headers (55K)>

Name: CAGOW (winter) <zipped .bil and headers (12K)>

Name: CAGOC (combined seasons) <zipped .bil and headers (55K)>

Common Tern

Name: TERNF (feeding) <zipped .bil and headers (24K)>

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 10.


Name: CORDGR <zipped .bil and headers (8K)>

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 10.


Name: EELGRASS <zipped .bil and headers (8K)>

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 10.

Great Blue Heron

Name: HERON <zipped .bil and headers (93K)>

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 10.

Regionally Important Habitats within Coastal New Hampshire

Name: GOMC <zipped .bil and headers (36K)>

Range of scores was 0 - 62.

Locally Important Habitats within Coastal New Hampshire

Name: LOCAL <zipped .bil and headers (151K)>

Range of scores was 0 - 192.

Irish Moss

Name: IRISHM <zipped .bil and headers (7K)>

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 10.


Name: ROCKW <zipped .bil and headers (7K)>

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 10.

River Herring

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 100.

Name: ALOSAS (spawning) <zipped .bil and headers (8K)>

(See Boundary B for additional life stages)

Salt Meadow Hay

Name: SPATENS <zipped .bil and headers (15K)>

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 10.

Striped Bass

Name: SBASS <zipped .bil and headers (20K)>

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 10.

Tufted Red Weed

Name: REDWEED <zipped .bil and headers (7K)>

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 10.


Xmin = 1095494.800

Xmax = 1247327.432

Ymin = 92114.050

Ymax = 320049.984

Number of Rows = 2438

Number of Columns = 1624

American Shad

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 100.

Name: SHADS (spawning) <zipped .bil and headers (7K)>

Name: SHADL (larvae) <zipped .bil and headers (8K)>

Name: SHADJ (juvenile) <zipped .bil and headers (8K)>

Name: SHADC (combined life stages) <zipped .bil and headers (10K)>


Name: BATHY <zipped .bil and headers (86K)>

Range of water depths was 81 ft. below mlw* to 10 ft. (above mlw).

*mlw = mean low water

River Herring

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 100.

Name: ALOSALJ (larvae/juvenile) <zipped .bil and headers (10K)>

Name: ALOSAC (combined life stages) <zipped .bil and headers (10K)>


Xmin = 1173561.380

Xmax = 1231153.068

Ymin = 128950.254

Ymax = 268535.302

Number of Rows = 1493

Number of Columns = 616

American Lobster

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 100.

Name: LOBSTA (adult) <zipped .bil and headers (13K)>

Name: LOBSTJ (juvenile) <zipped .bil and headers (5K)>

Name: LOBSTC (combined life stages) <zipped .bil and headers (12K)>

Atlantic Silversides

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 100.

Name: SILVERA (adult) <zipped .bil and headers (25K)>

Name: SILVERS (spawning) <zipped .bil and headers (9K)>

Name: SILVERC (combined life stages) <zipped .bil and headers (25K)>

Blue Mussel

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 100.

Name: MUSSELAJ (adult/juvenile) <zipped .bil and headers (12K)>

Name: MUSSELR (reproductive/larvae) <zipped .bil and headers (12K)>

Name: MUSSELC (combined life stages) <zipped .bil and headers (12K)>


Name: POLLOCK <zipped .bil and headers (20K)>

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 100.

Rainbow Smelt

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 100.

Name: SMELTS (spawning) <zipped .bil and headers (5K)>

Name: SMELTAJ (adult/juvenile) <zipped .bil and headers (17K)>

Name: SMELTC (combined life stages) <zipped .bil and headers (18K)>


Name: SALWIN (winter salinity) <zipped .bil and headers (17K)>

Range of winter salinity was 0 - 29 ppt.

Name: SALSPR (spring salinity) <zipped .bil and headers (17K)>

Range of spring salinity was 1 - 29 ppt.

Name: SALSUM (summer salinity) <zipped .bil and headers (16K)>

Range of summer salinity was 3 - 31 ppt.

Name: SALFALL (fall salinity) <zipped .bil and headers (16K)>

Range of fall salinity was 0 - 31 ppt.

Softshell Clam

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 100.

Name: CLAMS (spawning) <zipped .bil and headers (17K)>

Name: CLAMA (adult) <zipped .bil and headers (20K)>

Name: CLAML (larvae) <zipped .bil and headers (17K)>

Name: CLAMC (combined life stages) <zipped .bil and headers (18K)>

Smooth Flounder

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 100.

Name: SFLA (adult) <zipped .bil and headers (25K)>

Name: SFLJ (juvenile) <zipped .bil and headers (21K)>

Name: SFLS (spawning) <zipped .bil and headers (10K)>

Name: SFLC (combined life stages) <zipped .bil and headers (27K)>


Name: SUBSTR <zipped .bil and headers (22K)>

15 - sand & gravel

18 - silty sand

10 - sandy silt

11 - sand silt clay

23 - clayey silt

3 - silt

16 - shell or rock

26 - salt marsh

27 - silt & eelgrass

28 - sand, silt & eelgrass

29 - sand, silt, clay & eelgrass

30 - sand, gravel & eelgrass

31 - silty sand & eelgrass

32 - clayey silt & eelgrass

34 - shell or rock & eelgrass


Name: TEMPWIN (winter temperature) <zipped .bil and headers (13K)>

Range of winter temperature was -2 - 6 C.

Name: TEMPSPR (spring temperature) <zipped .bil and headers (15K)>

Range of spring temperature was 6 - 8 C.

Name: TEMPSUM (summer temperature) <zipped .bil and headers (14K)>

Range of spring temperature was 16 - 26 C.

Name: TEMPFALL (fall temperature) <zipped .bil and headers (15K)>

Range of fall temperature was 3 - 13 C.

Tom Cod

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 100.

Name: TCODJ (juvenile) <zipped .bil and headers (21K)>

Name: TCODS (spawning) <zipped .bil and headers (18K)>

Name: TCODA (adult) <zipped .bil and headers (21K)>

Name: TCODC (combined life stages) <zipped .bil and headers (22K)>

Winter Flounder

Range of habitat suitability scores was 0 - 100.

Name: WFLAD (adult) <zipped .bil and headers (21K)>

Name: WFLJ (juvenile) <zipped .bil and headers (20K)>

Name: WFLS (spawning) <zipped .bil and headers (10K)>

Name: WFLC (combined life stages) <zipped .bil and headers (22K)>