Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment


Identification of Important Habitats in Coastal New Hampshire

Chapter 14. American Oyster

The American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, is a popular shellfish for harvest, and also creates structure for other invertebrates and fishes. The commercial harvest in Great Bay and tributaries is economically significant. Habitats for oysters were mapped from locations of known beds. Oyster beds were digitized from maps in Nelson et al. (1981, 1982) and from sites drawn on base maps for us by Richard Langan (Jackson Estuarine Research Laboratory). We field verified locations of many of these beds using GPS to measure their geographic coordinates.

Polygons representing these beds were converted to a grid-cell format and scored 10 (0-10 scale); habitat was regarded as highly suitable based on persistent occurrence of oysters (Figure of Adult Habitat).

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