Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment


Gulf of Maine Library Collection

Hayes, Mary. Environmental Requirements for Priority Species in the Gulf of Maine. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. September 1997.

During October 1992, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Gulf of Maine Project, in association with the Gulf of Maine Council, convened a workshop in New Brunswick to begin implementation of the Habitat Protection goals stated in the Council's Action Plan. One of the goals of the workshop was to initiate a coordinated, comprehensive, systematic approach for identifying priority fish and wildlife habitats in the Gulf of Maine region. Workshop participants worked together to develop criteria for ranking species, and then applied these criteria to develop a list of priority fish, wildlife and plants for the region. Since habitats are the places where species live, the nomination and ranking of important species is an effective means of identifying such regionally significant habitats. Ecological data, such as upland, wetland, or water cover types, bathymetry, soil/substrate, salinity/hydrology, and other types of data would then be used to locate and display habitats. This resource documents the ecological data that can be used to locate, display, and assess important habitats in the Gulf of Maine region. The data helps to analyze landcover, bathymetry, marine vegetation, salinity, shellfish occurrence, shoreline type, substrate/sediment, and temperature.

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