Maine lakes water quality - Secchi transparency (by date)
Bacon, Linda

This data set contains Secchi transparency data for Maine lakes, by date of collection. Data were collected by ME DEP, Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program and other organizations. Data are provided by ME Dept. of Environmental [...] [ click to read more ]

Maine lakes water quality - temperature & dissolved oxygen profiles
Bacon, Linda

This data set contains water temperature and dissolved oxygen data for Maine lakes. These data are current through 2018. Data were collected by ME Dept. of Environmental Protection, the Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program and other [...] [ click to read more ]

Lake associations & environmental organizations in Maine
Maine Lake Monitoring Program

This file contains a list of lake associations and conservation / environmental organizations that work, in some capacity, with lakes in Maine.  The data include the MIDAS codes and names of lakes present in the [...] [ click to read more ]