Regional Links
- Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs/Climate Change
- Massachusetts Health and Human Services/Climate Change
- Massachusetts StormSmart Coasts
- StormSmart Coasts: Massachusetts
- Northeast Coastal Climate Change Adaptation
- Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences
New Hampshire
- New Hampshire State Climate Office
- New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services: Climate Change Program
- StormSmart Coasts: New Hampshire
- New Hampshire Coastal Adaptation Workgroup
- Clean Air-Cool Planet: Resilient Communities
- Carbon Coalition Local Energy Committee
- Northeast Coastal Climate Change Adaptation
- University of Maine: Maine Climate News
- Climate Change Institute Publications
- Northeast Coastal Climate Change Adaptation
New Brunswick
- Climate Change Secretariat New Brunswick: Adaptation Branch
- Climate Change Secretariat New Brunswick: Educ. & Engagement Branch
- Climate Change Secretariat New Brunswick: Mitigation
- New Brunswick Climate Change Public Education and Outreach Hub
- New Brunswick Environment and Local Government: Climate Change
Nova Scotia
- Clean Nova Scotia
- Climate Change Nova Scotia Adaptation Clearinghouse
- Service Nova Scotia & Municipal Relations
- SNSMR municipality finder map
- Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities
- Canada – Nova Scotia Infrastructure Secretariat
- Municipal Climate Change Action Plans–Data Sources
- Ecology Action Centre
United States
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- NOAA Coastal Services Center Northeast
- NOAA’s Sea-level Rise and Coastal Flooding Impacts Viewer
- Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change
- New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission
- Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network
- Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management
- The Nature Conservancy
- U.S. Global Change Research Program
- Federation of Canadian Municipalities Partners for Climate Protection
- Regional Adaptation Collaborative
- Environment Canada Canadian Climate Change Scenarios Network
- Natural Resources Canada Climate Change
- Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network–Canada
- ICLEI-Canada: Local Governments for Sustainability
- Precipitation from extreme events in the GOM region has increased 74 percent since 1958 (NOAA).
- Extreme weather already poses economic and ecological challenges, and these events are expected to grow more frequent in coming decades, with precipitation increasing 5-9 percent (IPCC 2013).

Credit: Sherry Godlewski
- By 2050, climate scientists project a more rapid increase of 2.5 to 3.5°C (4.5 to 6.3° F) in regional air temperature (IPCC 2013).
- Temperatures in the Gulf of Maine have risen much more in recent decades than many other coastal waters around the world, and a 2012 “heat wave” in sea surface temperatures had damaging economic impacts.

Projected Temperature Changes in the Gulf of Maine Region by the 2050s (°C.), reflecting the most recent IPCC models (Credit: Adam Fenech, UPEI Climate Lab)
What’s Climate Change and What’s Just the Weather?
This one-minute animation by Ole Christoffer Haga, produced by Teddy TV for the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, clearly and humorously illustrates the difference between long-term climate trends and variable weather patterns.