Editor's Notes
Visionaries: An eye toward the future

New version of ESIP monitoring map available

Gulf Voices
A day on Great Bay: In search of the osprey

Science Insights
Dam removal

Profile: Dale Joachim of MIT’s Project Owl

Visionaries: Protecting the future of the Gulf of Maine

Book Review
Soaring with Fidel

Inside the Gulf of Maine Closure Area

Shipping lanes shifted to protect whales

Visionaries in the Gulf of Maine

Ocean Tracking Network to shed light on undersea life

Ambassador for his species: If a whale could speak

On the trail of invasive species

In the News
- Outside the Gulf
- Sappi Paper to remove dam on Presumpscot River
- MIT builds robotic fin for submersible vehicles
- New Brunswick to restore Petitcodiac River
- New Brunswick, Nova Scotia to jointly study Fundy tides

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Conservation stories on Maine’s coast
Coastal Choices is a series of video stories that demonstrate how five diverse coastal communities in Maine have taken creative measures to enhance community life and sustain economic health through land conservation. Each story is designed to help individuals and communities work together to protect threatened coastal resources. The videos and supporting materials are at the Maine Coast Protection Initiative Web site. The series includes an introduction by marathon runner Joan Benoit Samuelson. Each video is six to eight minutes long, and each is supplemented with a two-page write-up with references to related Web sites. The five stories are:

1. Wild Island: Sustaining a legacy of conservation on Monhegan
2. Unchartered Waters: Saving a working waterfront in York
3. Learning Ground: Linking school and community in Lubec
4. Spawning Hope: Collaborating to conserve mid-coast river
5. Healthy Trails: Connecting people and parks in Portland

The project was made possible by a grant from the Maine Coast Protection Initiative.

Climate Change Action Plan 2007 - 2012
The government of New Brunswick has issued a 36-page Climate Change Action Plan 2007 - 2012 that outlines the province’s vision for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and managing climate change impacts through a series of targets and policy actions as well as engagement of stakeholders and the public. It charts the province’s path to sustainability in a changing climate. It can be downloaded in PDF format.

Salt marsh restoration in Maritime Canada
A report entitled Examining Community Adaptive Capacity to Address Climate Change, Sea-level Rise and Salt Marsh Restoration in Maritime Canada, submitted to the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Program, is available in PDF format.

The report focuses on the ecologic, economic, social and policy conditions under which a community might employ dyke removal and salt marsh restoration as an adaptive response to future climate change and sea level rise.

Miramichi watershed status
The 2007 State of the Environment Report for the Miramichi Watershed in New Brunswick examines the Miramichi River watershed, how it has changed over the past decade and how it may be changing in the near future. It draws upon existing studies and reports as well as discussions with individuals and scientists who have special interest and knowledge of the watershed. The report is available on their Web site.

Northeast Climate Impact Report
In July, the Northeast Climate Impacts Assessment (NECIA) released a report entitled Confronting Climate Change in the U.S. Northeast: Science, Impacts, and Solutions. NECIA is a collaborative effort between the Union of Concerned Scientists and a team of independent experts using state-of-the-art tools to assess how global warming will affect the northeastern United States. Also available are fact sheets for each state. The report is available on their Web site.

Better Site Design Handbook
The Center for Watershed Protection (CWP) has made its site design handbook available as a free download from the CWP Web site. Better Site Design: A Handbook for Changing Development Rules in Your Community outlines 22 guidelines for more environmentally friendly development and provides detailed rationale for each, from basic engineering principles to real versus perceived barriers to implementation. The handbook also includes case studies from across the country.

Innovative Stormwater BMP Inventory for New England
The University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center (UNHSC) and Connecticut Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO) have launched an interactive database that documents the implementation of innovative stormwater approaches, such as low impact development designs, in New England. A lack of applied examples often limits the widespread acceptance and implementation of innovative stormwater best management practices (BMPs). Searchable by state and town, the UNHSC-NEMO Innovative Stormwater Management Inventory is a database of New England sites where innovative stormwater BMPs have been implemented. Database users can add examples of innovative BMP implementation and provide suggestions of how to improve this regional resource at their online database. Examples of innovative BMP implementation can be submitted though an online submission form.

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For additional info about the Gulf of Maine including maps, photos, current research, the NGO database, and to download other educational
publications please visit The Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment.
Site contents: © 2007 The Gulf of Maine Times