Editor's Notes
Visionaries: An eye toward the future

New version of EISP monitoring map available

Gulf Voices
A day on Great Bay: In search of the osprey

Science Insights
Dam removal

Profile: Dale Joachim of MIT’s Project Owl

Visionaries: Protecting the future of the Gulf of Maine

Book Review
Soaring with Fidel

Inside the Gulf of Maine Closure Area

Shipping lanes shifted to protect whales

Visionaries in the Gulf of Maine

Ocean Tracking Network to shed light on undersea life

Ambassador for his species: If a whale could speak

On the trail of invasive species

In the News
- Outside the Gulf
- Sappi Paper to remove dam on Presumpscot River
- MIT builds robotic fin for submersible vehicles
- New Brunswick to restore Petitcodiac River
- New Brunswick, Nova Scotia to jointly study Fundy tides

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Gulf of Maine Times Archives
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Winter/Spring 2007

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2005: Spring Summer Fall Winter

2004: Spring Summer Winter  

2003: Spring Summer Fall Winter

2002: Spring Summer Fall Winter

2001: Spring Summer Fall Winter

2000: Spring Summer Winter  

1999: Spring Summer Fall Winter

1998: Spring Summer Fall Winter

1997: Spring Summer Fall Winter

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publications please visit The Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment.
Site contents: © 2007 The Gulf of Maine Times